Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Love Those "Are You in Love" Quizzes!

Let’s ask the question - Are you really in love? Taking those Are you in love” quizzes that you find in popular magazines can help you find out but you have to make sure you take the right ones. Some that I’ve seen only help you become more confused while others actually help you. So, before you make that mistake, here are some guidelines for finding a good quiz.

How the Quiz Should Help You:

Frankly, it’s hard to go wrong with trusting your “gut instincts.” For example, if you feel like you’re in danger, it is usually a good idea to get out of the situation even if there’s no obvious sign of danger. That powerful feeling of “foreboding” you get is an emotional response to some unknown (and sometimes known!) stimulus.

Both love and infatuation are such powerful emotions that sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which. I’m sure you knew that already! Just like you know that sometimes you just can’t trust your instincts to lead you to a good relationship.

By asking questions that help separate feelings that could lead to deep, long-lasting love from those that will disappear, “are you really in love” quizzes keep you from wasting energy on mere infatuation or lust. Even more importantly, they may help you from getting swept into what could eventually be a very unpleasant relationship.

Types of Questions they should ask:

To get a real benefit from taking one of the “are you really in love” quizzes currently available, you need to know how to sort the helpful ones from the useless ones. Usually, just glancing through the questions will give you a good idea of how helpful the quiz will be. This is easy enough to do by simply glancing over the questions. The quiz should be asking such things as whether you are willing to share your deepest secrets with your lover or if your lover is in the top 5 of the people you respect above all others.

The quiz should have questions that assist you in separating those initial feelings of infatuation that could bloom into a deeper, true love from feelings that aren’t likely to lead to go anywhere. Quizzes should ask how your lover makes you feel about yourself, what emotions characterize your relationship, and how much you are willing to sacrifice for your partner. Questions like these zero in on common differences between love, infatuation, and lust.

Okay Doc, Where do I find these Quality Quizzes?

Popular magazines really aren’t the best places to find quizzes. (Even though, they are fun to take!) The problem is, unless the writer’s bio is included, you can’t be sure the person who created the quiz is a true expert on relationships or not. That’s why I suggest that you look for the “Are You in Love” quizzes in books and Web sites written by credible relationship experts.

Taking a few well designed quizzes can give you a keen insight into whether or not your relationship has any real future. Finding out early on if your relationship is on the wrong track can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. Just make sure you get your quiz from a credible source and be completely honest in your answers. And don’t forget to read the results of the “are you really in love” quizzes with an open mind!

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,

but what you want is someone who will take the bus

with you when the limo breaks down.”

~Oprah Winfrey~

Getting Your Boyfriend Back

I thought I’d start my romance series with this often asked question

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

First let me ask a question: Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation pretty closely? Do you find yourself wondering "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, then you need to STOP doing these things right now.

You’re going to need to take a completely fresh approach, so follow this strategy instead;

First thing to do is to take a DEEP BREATH! Then begin this strategy by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time, when there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can help you improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand.

WARNING: This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways of chasing him.

During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor! NOW your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.

You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it.

You are wondering "How to get your ex boyfriend back". Now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you & wanted to be with you in the first place.

Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (remember not to over do it!) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top.

Today's Love Quote:

Don't find love, let love find you.

That's why it's called falling in love,

because you don't force yourself to fall,

you just fall.

~ Unknown ~